Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Don't be jealous (even though I would be!), but my mom and sisters and I got to see "Wicked" two weekends ago in Dallas. We had a great girls weekend & stayed in a cool hotel in downtown Dallas.

"Wicked" was ... wicked. Amazing sets, costumes, choreography, singing, music, lighting, theatricality. It's a keeper of a show (even though I cannot imagine any high school drama club that could pull it off.)

Of course, it also broke my heart. It's all about the ways we lose faith in other people, the way they disappoint us, the way our dreams are dashed. Yeah, I couldn't stop crying.

But it has hope too. And happiness!

I loved this song - "The Wizard and I" - and had lots of fun singing it with my mom tackling the accompaniment. (We are so lucky she can play anything!)


  1. I'm sure Idina Menzel is very talented but I don't like the tamber of her voice. I liked our Elphaba MUCH better.

  2. I am jealous, as you well know.

    but still so happy for you to have the opportunity to go with your Mom and sisters to the most amazing musical of this generation.

    Sounds fabulous!
